Modesty... A Lesson Learned

Modesty can be a great quality to have. No one likes an arrogant, cocky, asshole but no one takes into account the consequences that come from being too modest. One thing I've learned is that you can get looked over every time you try to get ahead if you don't step up and show that you know what you're doing is good, maybe even great! When you're trying to sell your ideas or work you need to be able to stand there and say, "What I create is great and I want everyone to know it!" Okay, yes, if someone compliments your work modesty can be good. You need to show confidence but also show gratitude for their appreciation of your work. The key here is to maintain a balance. In this world you need to show people that you whole-heartedly believe in what you do. Sometimes you confidence in your work will push your work a lot further than the work itself. So at the end of the day modesty is good but self confidence is better. Keep a healthy balance of both and career is bound to fly forward.

A Tribute...

This is a thank you note to all those people out there who have kept me going. It's not easy starting your own company and making it successful is even harder. There are definitely times when you're drive and energy can get a little low. Of course, you remind yourself why you love doing what you do and you push through. There will always be people in your life who try to get you down and some of them don't even realize that they are affecting your decisions in life. Stay strong, stay focused and stay true. Always keep good friends around you who believe in you. Family will always try keep your spirits high but sometimes their intentions are not for your benefit. A good, true friend will always be open and honest with you. So thanks to those who have always reminded me that I'm on the right road in life because I do what I do best by being myself and following my passion. Lots of love to you all!

Life vs. Work

It can be very tough balancing your time between life and work. When you're starting a business you really do need to devote 90% of your time to your trade (you have to leave yourself 10% for sleep, of course). You stay up till 4 in the morning because you finally got your creative urge at 10pm and you can't stop until the job is done. At least that's how I operate. When you finally do go to bed you can't sleep because you lie there and think about all the things you would be doing in that moment if your body wasn't too exhausted to stay awake. When you wake up you're playing the same game all over again. Except now life is trying to pry it's way through and you have to decide which is more important. There are birthdays and funerals, coming home and leaving home parties, and of course, just the natural desire once in while for some simple, quiet 'me' time. So you decide. Right now life is winning the battle but work is on the rise. The holiday season is over and it's time to get back to work!